Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Economic Meltdown

Source: aolcdn

I can not believe this!! My neighbor, the richest man in my neighborhood just lost his job and has begun drinking to forget his sorrow and misfortune. It is a sad sight to see him upset and with a beer in his hand every time I get home from school. However, it has been about two weeks that I have not seen him drinking. I do not know if he is overcoming the sadness of being unemployed or if it is because the market in the corner closed down. The owner of the store told my dad that he found himself forced to closing down his market because he could not afford the produce he was selling. It cost him a lot to obtain the necessary items for him to sell and the prices of all the fruits, vegetables and other merchandise was increasing drastically. According to him, people were not buying anymore and he could not afford to lose the money he had invested. Therefore, he closed down the market and is selling the area. I had always thought the owner was wealthy because everyone in my neighborhood bought goods from there. Even I bought a lot from that store. Every time I got home from school, I went to the store and bought something to eat, but now, I am can not do that anymore. I am going to have to walk three blocks to the nearest liquor store.

I know the oil is becoming scarcer every day that passes by. This is why I am not taking oil for granted anymore and am taking care of the oil I consume. I started walking to and from school. By walking to and from school, I am saving some gas. I have also started buying organic food from my local grocery store. The grocery store is a couple of blocks away from my house so my mom and I walk to and from the store. I feel my leg muscle growing from all the walking I am doing. I am also trying to use less electricity than before. Electricity plays a major role in our every day lives but it too, comes from oil. In order to preserve our electricity, I make sure all electronics are unplugged and turned off when they are not needed. I don’t spend hours on the computer anymore either. I just turn it on when it is vital for me to use it. WOW, I amaze myself and how well I am doing without all my electronics.

Source: Citytransport

Elasticity is also important in this economic crisis and oil shortage. Instead of buying products that contain oil and are expensive, we can buy substitutes. For example, instead of buying produce that comes from Africa, we can buy fruit and vegetables that are organic and grown in our community garden. Or, even better, we can grow our own!! That would be a very interesting experience if everyone were to engage in it. Instead of driving to work, people can take the bus. This way less gas is used. There are some ways we can help the crisis we are going through. I, for one, am trying extremely hard to preserve the oil we still have. We need to take action and take care of our oil. Just as we helped the crisis start, we need to help stop it!

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