Thursday, May 13, 2010

Prevent Oil Overuse!!!!

Source: kilmerhouse

Our excessive oil use is causing us to suffer an oil crisis. Today in school I learned that we are overcoming the oil crisis we were going through and that we need to value this precious source. We must not take oil for granted because it is limited and if we continue to waste it, we might run out. The world relies on oil more than on any other substance. Machinery, product-packaging, vehicles and even food require oil in order to function. Instead of recycling and reusing items that contain oil in order to save it, people waste and overspend this natural source. In order to prevent another oil crisis, we need to take different actions and take care of our oil.

Source: mwcog

After heavy research and lectures, I became aware about the different effects we have on the environment for using its oil. I learned that we are leaving a carbon footprint in the Earth. Everything we do and all actions we take can either damage or help the environment. If we overuse the oil we are damaging the world. We must take care of our natural resources and use them with measure. In order to preserve the oil we have we need to start using energy efficient products. If we are not using all our electronics, we can plug them out and only turn them on when we are using them. People can also start taking care of their carbon footprint by recycling and reusing material around their community. Instead of using their vehicle for transportation every day, people can start carpooling or even taking the public transit. Those who inevitably need their vehicle for transportation can change their carbon-emitting car for a fuel-efficient one. This would be better for the people because the vehicle will not depend so much on gas, owners will save money and the oil will not be overused.

If people begin taking care of the oil, they will also be taking care of their money. With oil scarcity, everything becomes more expensive. The price on all goods is increasing because it is hard to distribute goods with the oil shortage. Gas is also becoming more expensive because this vital liquid is not as easy to obtain as it used to be. Therefore, if people begin taking care of their oil and stop spending more oil than they need, they will save money and will have oil for more years to come.

Source: belfattelegraph

I, for one, am trying to save oil and change my lifestyle for the Earth’s improvement. My family has changed the light bulbs in all the house lights. Instead of having the high voltage bulbs, we have the bulbs that save energy. We also make sure that if we are not using an electronic we unplug the plug. When we go out as a family, my dad makes sure that he takes the small four-cylinder car rather than the six-cylinder truck. The car wastes less gas per mile and is more efficient for the environment. I go walking to school and to any close area I go to. If my destination is too far for me to walk, I take the bus. I am also trying to grow fruits and vegetables in my backyard so that I can have fresh fruit without relying on the goods that come from areas far away from where I live. I am also trying to persuade my parents to buy from local farmer’s markets in order to prevent high demand on distribution. I know it is not easy to change one’s lifestyle in such a short time, but if we try walking instead of driving, that can really help the world. I am doing my part to save the world and its oil, are you?

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