Thursday, April 29, 2010


Source: Sterlingtrucks

I just found out that this oil shortage can cause me my precious food. What will I do without my daily meals? I did not know that most of the foods I and the people around me consume are imported from different areas of the state and the world. The oil shortage is going to make me get on a diet. HOW HORRIBLE! I am soooo NOT willing to give up my food. How am I going to survive? I can not imagine my life without food. It is hard to imagine that one banana comes all the way from Guatemala. It travels more than 2000miles just to get to my local grocery store. If bananas were easy to obtain before, what is going to happen with the rest of the food? Will I have to start growing food in my mom's garden? Who will feed us at school? Doesn't that food come from the grocery store as well? Hmm….Does this mean the school will start charging us for healthy food? Or even worse, we won't be allowed to eat in order to preserve the food that we still have! Hmmm...I wonder if the school is allowed to do that.

Well, meanwhile, I know what to do. I am going to start shopping in my local organic grocery store. I am going to tell my mom to do the shopping at Erewhon Natural Foods located in 7660 Beverly Boulevard. This store sells everything and it is located here in Los Angeles. I am going to be able to buy local natural food without having to search for it throughout the entire city. I am going to start eating more fruits and vegetables and hopefully I do not miss the food I will no longer be able to attain. Well, I guess I might as well make the best out of the situation I am living in. Since there is nothing else I can do, I guess I’ll start watching my diet and eating healthy.

Source: Erewhonmarket

I heard that growing our own food can also help us in this food crisis. So far, my mom has many fruit plants in the garden. We already have two peach trees, tomatoes, lemons, plum tree, banana tree and an apple tree. I had never taken care of them, but now I water them daily and make sure that they are well. I can almost taste the peaches; big, round, sweet and juicy. This way we will have fruit even if the stores do not sell them anymore. I am ready for my Diet!!

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