Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Life Is H-A-R-D: HARD!!!

I had never thought about the fact that all flights and other transportation methods might be changed and cancelled due to the oil shortage. They will no longer be available to the public. What will the world do without transportation? I learned about this possible catastrophe barely today in class. People will no loner be able to visit their loved ones to the different parts of the world. Oh my GOD!! And I am barely realizing this: have you thought about the economic effect this will have?! If we are currently facing an economic crisis, imagine with the money shortage due to the lack of flights and transportation! The crisis will become worse. Thank god I am only a student. But this makes my summer boring. I will no longer be able to visit any other country. I won't be able to go on vacations with my friends. HOW BORING!!

I wonder, if the oil does become extinct, what will happen to the cars and trucks?I can not imagine my world without a car. I do not want to walk to school everyday. If I were to walk to school every day I would have to wake up VERY early. It takes me too long to get to school and I do not want to walk early in the morning through dangerous streets. I know, I can take the bus to school. Instead of walking to school, I can take the bus to school and walk back home. This way, I am helping by not using a car that needs gas. Buses provide transportation to the public. YES!! PERFECT! I found a way to keep the oil we still have not wasted.
Source: Saferoutetoschool

Well, it seems like it is time to take care of our oil. I will no longer waste any oil without it being necessary. I will tell my dad to not take me to school. I will take the bus or walk to school instead. It is time for a change! It is TIME FOR IMPROVEMENT!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow so that means I can't ever travel, I can't feel what it is like to visit another place and taste the different types of foods they offer. That's really mest up that it will be a mystery for me. About the cutbacks I understand you I had to leave my truck rusting at home...:( Now I have to walk in these dangerous streets to not waste alot of oil. Check your grammer alittle you only wrote a word wrong.. Haha your picture is funny and creative :) excellent sourcing =D
