I wonder, if the oil does become extinct, what will happen to the cars and trucks?I can not imagine my world without a car. I do not want to walk to school everyday. If I were to walk to school every day I would have to wake up VERY early. It takes me too long to get to school and I do not want to walk early in the morning through dangerous streets. I know, I can take the bus to school. Instead of walking to school, I can take the bus to school and walk back home. This way, I am helping by not using a car that needs gas. Buses provide transportation to the public. YES!! PERFECT! I found a way to keep the oil we still have not wasted.
Source: Saferoutetoschool
Well, it seems like it is time to take care of our oil. I will no longer waste any oil without it being necessary. I will tell my dad to not take me to school. I will take the bus or walk to school instead. It is time for a change! It is TIME FOR IMPROVEMENT!!!!
Well, it seems like it is time to take care of our oil. I will no longer waste any oil without it being necessary. I will tell my dad to not take me to school. I will take the bus or walk to school instead. It is time for a change! It is TIME FOR IMPROVEMENT!!!!
Wow so that means I can't ever travel, I can't feel what it is like to visit another place and taste the different types of foods they offer. That's really mest up that it will be a mystery for me. About the cutbacks I understand you I had to leave my truck rusting at home...:( Now I have to walk in these dangerous streets to not waste alot of oil. Check your grammer alittle you only wrote a word wrong.. Haha your picture is funny and creative :) excellent sourcing =D